Saturday, May 19, 2007

Oh Holiday!!!

Haha. Have not been updating for quite awhile. Sorry for any inconvenience caused. Haha. Anyways, alot have happen this past few days. Both good and bad stuff. Little ups and little down. This is life. Life is uncertain rite? Anything can happen. Gotten my MYE results. It was horrible. As i have expected it. Decided not to tell my parents first. Let them know during the Meet-the-Parent session. Muahahaha. I shall tell you guys first.

Mid-Year Examination results:
Mother Tongue-B4

Haha. Nice right? 2 F9s. 4 Cs. Only 1 A. Never mind. Let this mid-year examinaition be a wake up call for all of us. We still have about 1 1/2 year more before the 'O' levels. Huhu. Lets pull up our smelly socks and turn over a new leaf. No more slacking. No more eating Oreos during lessons. Haha.

To my dear friend, don't cry lah. What is done is done. We cannot change the past but we can avoid such mistakes in our life. Even though you did badly for the MYE, it is still not too late to do better. There is always room for improvement. Cheer up!

By the way, any who wanna go to Wild Wild Wet next monday, 28th May, please msg me. ^^
I want to go and relax. I want to get wet. I want to ease my mind...

June holidays are coming. Im already dying of boredom over the weekend. Haha. Don't know if i can survive the holidays.

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